The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Monday, January 20, 2014

Be Still

Be Still

    Being Still is a hard thing to do many times and it definitely won’t happen unless we intentionally take time for it. God foretold that it would be hectic in the last days—that people would be running to and fro (Daniel 12:4). Practicing time alone with the Lord is one of our first duties. Jesus, after performing the miracle of feeding the 5,000 and preaching and teaching for 3 days straight, got away from everyone—even his disciples—to be with His Father. Jesus sent the crowds away who were still ecstatic about the miracle and walked away from it all because He knew what was important. Similarly, when Martha was running around serving and telling the Lord that He should make Mary get up and help, Jesus said that only one thing was needful and Mary had found it and it would not be taken from her. The principle is that sitting at Jesus feet is important and when we do, it cannot be taken away from us.

     All the laws and prophets hand on two commandments #1 Love God  and #2 love others. Sadly, I think that we focus on loving others many times more than loving God first and as a result we struggle and strive to truly love but can’t. We can only love others with the Love that God puts into our hearts. Therefore, it is essential that we cultivate our time with the Lord first and foremost. The condition of our spiritual walk is of more importance than anything else. How foolish we are when we attempt to repair all our relationships with man before we maintain our union with the Lord. Jesus said Abide in me and you’ll have all that you need (John 15). How do we abide—by staying, by being still, by being quiet, by being silent; by meditating on the Word—just thinking about it. In my own walk, I have found that many times, when I am being still that I will say nothing and just sit and listen to the Lord as I read His Word and as His Spirit occasionally brings things to mind—I jot them down.  I have found that this is a place of prayerfulness and rest as well as rejuvenation and transformation. I’m praying, but I’m not saying anything, I’m simply there in the Secret Place with God and listening. Isn’t is significant that Jesus told us to go into the Secret Place to pray? It isn’t about being in a big room with people and finding our corner or sticking our head between our knees, it is a Secret Place of fellowship that we pray. It isn’t about our many words or the length of our prayers, but our dependency, our reliance on, our confidence in, our abiding, our stillness and peace in Christ.

     Beloved of Christ, remember that you are loved by the Lord and spend time with Him. O that we would see men and women who once again put God first and foremost, loving Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength!

…..Practice being still in the Secret Place.

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