“Romantic Relationships”
Free in Principle, but
not in Practice
God does have guidelines, and He will
make a way for His perfect plan to be accomplished in our “Romantic
Relationships” if we will wait on Him. The Lord has given us a free will which
we can take a detour with that produces permanent consequences. God will
chasten our disobedience to His absolute laws of right and wrong.
Side Note:
Noah Webster’s 1828
dictionary defines Romance as that which
vaults or soars beyond the limits of fact and real life; Romancer as one who invents fictitious stories; and
Romantic as Pertaining to romance, or
resembling it ; wild ; fanciful ; extravagant ; as a romantic taste; romantic
notions ; romantic expectations ; romantic zeal. Improbable or chimerical ;
fictitious ; as a romantic tale. Fanciful ; wild ; full of wild or fantastic
scenery ; as a romantic prospect or landscape ; a romantic situation.
In light of those
definitions of “Romance,” I do not encourage or recommend it and have only used
the word for the sake of relating today’s’ topic to you. Even though a modern
definition may differ from the 1828’s, both still depict Romance as wild and
fanciful. Far too many Christians fall into the trap its illusion, especially
young girls. So many books and movies are filled with it and there are many
people that search in vain to find it. But in light of a Biblical worldview, we
should be very cautious with anything that propagates the idea of Romance. A
further look into history reveals a concept called Greco-Roman love. This conception of love is based on the pagan
Greeks and Romans who propagated perverted sexual pleasures, worship, “art,”
and literature. A Christian should be on his (and her) guard against the
widespread philosophy of “Romantic Love” for it certainly does not line up with
God’s definition of Love-1 Corinthians 13.
Our word for the day regarding “Romance” is
WAIT. The Bible teaches in many of its’ verses about the importance of waiting.
If we wait upon the Lord for our strength (Isaiah 40:31) and we wait for Him in
the deserts and valleys that we go through (Isaiah 43:18-19), why not in our
relationships? And why not in “Romantic relationships”?
Readers, romantic relationships are not
something to fool around with; and unfortunately many in the World and in the
Church view dating, kissing, sex, lust, pornography, and temptation as a game,
not as sin and a stumbling block to others. Many date simply for enjoyment or
to-get-to-know the significant “beauty” that they laid-eyes-upon. When
one does this he is putting his trust and his heart in the hands of his
emotions and not in the hands of an Omnipotent, Sovereign God who already has
the “right one” selected for us according to His will. The big issue
is: will we wait (sexually and emotionally) on the one the Lord has for us or
will we look—search—for The One and simply let “fate” lead us into the “perfect
Really listen to the following wisdom
that many grasped too late in life to spare them pain:
#1 There are no perfect relationships. There are no perfect men
or women, we all commit wrong.
#2 All are sinners and fall short of perfection: this further disproves
the illusion of having a “perfected life,” because it isn’t even a possibility.
#3 Forgiveness is essential, we have to forgive the past of our
future spouses and promise to not hold it over their heads. Just remember, we
have all sinfully trespassed, but Christ can forgive them and will forgive Him
if they repent and place their faith in Him. As His image bearers, we should
forgive as well.
#4 Fate isn’t real, God directs everything, yet He allows Satan to tempt you at times
and He restricts Satan at other times
(check out the story of Job)
#5 Looking for something that God has already promised to
give you one day is just impatience and it leads out hearts into a state of being
more prone to sin because we are ‘weary’ of waiting. Don’t try to hurry God along because it won’t work.
#6 Waiting for the Lord is always the best option. Obedience to the Father
brings blessing, but disobedience brings a curse (check out God’s promise to
the Israelites).
#7 God has picked someone out for you that is beyond what you
could ever find on your own.
I encourage you to make
the choice to surrender EVERYTHING to God, even “ROMANCE.”