In Life and In Heart
following article, written in the summer of 2013 and published by Focusing on
the Mark Ministries’ monthly devotional email Devo Blast: was the first full compilation of what I have learned
about courtship and dating, up till that time I had spoken or written devotions
on the topic, but never gathered all my “thoughts” into one place. It has been
included, unedited, here:
Blast Article
Purity—In Life and In Heart
dating vs.courtship
the search for purity amidst
the darkness
I was going to talk about standing for truth this month, but since
Trey is talking about purity and several other things in life have come up,
this seemed the best time to address dating, courtship, and marriage this year.
What I am attempting is to cast vision,
I am not trying to legislate rules, and simply trying to encourage that we
look for a method of pre-marriage “getting to know each other” that allows us to build boundaries of protection
for ourselves and to maintain a godly testimony before Unbelievers. What I
now will go into is part of my own journey, testimony, and what I have taught
and discussed with classes I have taught and young men that I have mentored
over the last 5 years.
There is
no life found in dating. It is an
endless process of giving your heart away and searching for a loving feeling. I
only said I was “dating” a girl for one day—and then my mom found out and it
was over (I was like 9 or 10). As my mother will tell you, I have always
“liked” girls. That is not a bad thing necessarily, but it has brought
heartache. I proposed 5 times by the time I was 12. I always have wanted to be
married; I even thought as a young boy that I would turn 16, get a car, and get
a wife (again, my mother will verify this). My quest for “love” turned sour and
at about 12 or 13 I slid into a shell—still “liking” girls, but being less
forward. I began to grow in my relationship with the Lord, but “relationships”
were still foreign to me. I was almost never without a “crush” and those would
only end in heartbreak until another good-feeling crush came along.
Rejoice, O
young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth,
and walk in the ways of thine heart,
and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.
11:9 (KJV)
At some point, I realized this pattern
was futile. And I cried out to the Lord in despair and at my utter end
something like this: “Lord, what does
Your Word say about pre-marriage ‘relationships?’ Is it dating, or courtship,
or is something else Your way?” That question began an approximate 3 month
journey where it seemed that every time I opened the Word of God that the Lord
showed me how His Word was filled with answers to my question: it is seen in
how the Church is the Bride of Christ, the harlot vs. virtuous woman in
proverbs, Israel the prostituted daughter, and the many scriptures that teach
clearly and bluntly about where lustful and selfish motives (often part of
dating) take us. What will follow in this article is many of the principles I
have learned as the Lord has led me on a walk of coming to the conviction that
dating is unbibilical and that courtship is historically based on Biblical
principles. One day I would like to write a book on Courtship, and have
attempted to several times and have always been set back, please pray for me
that the Lord will make a way to write that book.
Around the 1920s courtship shifted to a
new concept in our nation: dating. The saying is that “[pre-marriage
relationships] moved from the
front porch to the back seat [of a car].” It was right during the time of WWI and WWII that dating became common. Prior to that time courtship was around. Now courtship can be defined many ways, but I will define it as the time period between when a young man has received the permission of a young woman’s father to court his daughter with the intention of engagement and marriage. Courtship is a pre-marriage relationship that is not centered on pleasure, but seriously looking toward marriage. It is a testing time to make sure that it God’s will is for the two to marry and for them to grow closer as friends. They do not spend time completely alone, but with each other’s families and in ministry settings. Dating I would define as a young man or young woman asking somebody out because they like the way they look/want to have a good time. It is based on emotion, affection (which is not necessarily wrong), and often lust. It is an unwise time period where a boy and girl isolate themselves from authority and protection and step into a flirtation ground where kissing and more may be permitted. There is hardly ever any real getting to know someone because you are observing them in a false environment; not around their family and in ministry where their true character—their strengths and weaknesses—will be very clearly seen.
front porch to the back seat [of a car].” It was right during the time of WWI and WWII that dating became common. Prior to that time courtship was around. Now courtship can be defined many ways, but I will define it as the time period between when a young man has received the permission of a young woman’s father to court his daughter with the intention of engagement and marriage. Courtship is a pre-marriage relationship that is not centered on pleasure, but seriously looking toward marriage. It is a testing time to make sure that it God’s will is for the two to marry and for them to grow closer as friends. They do not spend time completely alone, but with each other’s families and in ministry settings. Dating I would define as a young man or young woman asking somebody out because they like the way they look/want to have a good time. It is based on emotion, affection (which is not necessarily wrong), and often lust. It is an unwise time period where a boy and girl isolate themselves from authority and protection and step into a flirtation ground where kissing and more may be permitted. There is hardly ever any real getting to know someone because you are observing them in a false environment; not around their family and in ministry where their true character—their strengths and weaknesses—will be very clearly seen.
I still recall doing a Royal Rangers high
school devotion on 1 Cor. 7:27 “Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a
wife? Do not seek a wife (ESV).” and Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord (KJV).”
balance of these two verses in light of the Whole counsel of God, is seek the
Lord first and then He will put your other priorities in order and guide your
steps: Matthew 6:33. It is the principle that Focusing on the Mark Ministries
is built on; yet it is one that I have struggled with and I’m sure that you
have too. It can be difficult to seek the Lord first when there is a
significant other on your mind. But our first priority in life must remain the
Lord even after we are married.
I have found the balance of 7:27 and
18:22 best described by this analogy: suppose you lost your keys. You look
frantically for them and search in places that you normally don’t go. Along the
search, you will probably find some things that you didn’t know were where they
are and perhaps didn’t even know you had. It is the same with God. If we will
seek Him first—if He is our all consuming focus like the keys—then He will
guide us to the right woman (or man if you’re a woman) at the right time. The
Key is not to go around trying to find a spouse, but to seek the Lord first in
our lives and trust the Lord to guide you. God brought Eve to Adam and
supernaturally orchestrated Isaac and Rebecca’s marriage (Gen. 24—great
In Scripture, there are two types of women.
Rebecca is one that displays virtue in Genesis 24, but there is another type:
the harlot.
The two types of women who will cross your path:

As I tell young men—the women you hang around, will make or
break you.
The Two Types of Men

Summary of points to study
further on your own:
Prov. 5, 6, 7, 31 women
Crying out to the Lord
Young men focused on the Lord 1st the
other priorities fall in place
Balance—a godly man avoids all extremes (Ecc.
Not legalistic rules, but true, sincere heart
for having a relationship with the Lord first
Vanity (true beauty is on the inside, not
clothing (men don’t wear women’s clothes and
vice versa—Deuteronomy 22:5)
1 Peter,
Eph 5, Prov. 31, Gen. 24, Is. 48:17, 30:21
Dating prepares people for divorce because they
are trained to selfishly look for someone who can fulfill their own desires and
when they are done with one person, they just move onto the next. In short,
there is not commitment and responsibility to their “love.”
Busy at home (Titus 2:5) vs. never being at home
(like a harlot, Proverbs 7:11) and a feminist, career woman (I’m not saying
women cannot work, Proverbs 31 clearly teaches that they can; but today, many
women’s first priority is not their home, but a career—this is sadly very
evident in our culture)
and quiet spirit (this is one of the greatest qualities to look
for, 1Peter 3:4)
She’s a dedicated Christian (with similar worldview
and calling)
Virtuous—Prov 31
The Focus of a young man should be—developing
relationship with Lord first, then discovering his calling and providing and
preparing for future marriage.
Andy Stanley, Principle of the Path p. 64-65
Parents—are you preparing your kids for living a
Christian life dedicated to the Lord and marriage (if it be the Lord’s will for
them)? Marriage is much more important than college….yet do we try to train
them for it?
Avoiding even a hint of sexual immorality
requires seriousness (Ephesians 5:3). Joseph wouldn’t even be around Potipher’s
wife and fled when she tempted him—he didn’t try to “missionary date” her as a
false teaching today tells young people to do.
A good illustration that I learned from Johsua
Harris: We talk about Falling into love, but what happens when we hit the
Either the things I have mentioned
really are important, or they are just some crazy rules and principles that a
few people follow. You have to decide for yourself. How important is your belief,
your view of dating and courtship and who will it impact?
Books I
have studied on this subject
are only the ones that I recommend)
Dating vs.
Courtship by Paul Jehle—I just recently finished reading this 113 page book and it is
the one that I most HIGHLY RECOMMEND. He covers so much. This is a book of meat
and thorough explanation despite its small size.
Dating the Church
(summary: the local church is so important that we should put it’s importance
above the location of the college that we attend, otherwise we treat the church
as something we just “date” when we want to, instead of as the center of our
Christian fellowship and discipleship as it is mean to be) by Joshua Harris
What He
Must Be….if he wants to marry my daughter by
Voddi Baucham Jr.
Biblical Standards of Courtship by Bill
Principle of the Path
by Andy Stanley
and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot (wife of the deceased Jim
Quest for
Love by Elizabeth Elliot
I Kissed
Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
Boy Meets
Girl: Say Hello to Courtship by Joshua
Sex, Love,
and Romance: Sex Education from the Bible by
Hugh Pyle , A Beka Book—Christian highschool sex ed book.
Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (parts of this deal with the
http://billgothard.com/teaching/courtship By Bill Gothard