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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Creation or Chance mindset?

God Created marriage just like He created the earth….Fear God—His ways are perfect and all God’s rules and limitations are for our benefit.


   God created marriage, just like He created the earth; therefore, fear the Lord for His design is holy. Today, far too many Christians approach “relationships” with a chance mindset instead of a creation mindset. Just like so many will not believe God created the world and trust in illogical chance evolution, they do not believe that God has any say in their pre-marriage relationship with the opposite sex. In addition, despite the clear evidence that random formation of a cell is impossible, many won’t believe in the clear evidence of the Scriptures that God has guidelines for and wants to be involved in the romantic relationship between a man and a woman. Well, the fact is that God is involved. God is sovereign and He is in control. God has a design, and we would do well to follow it. Everything God warns us to avoid in the Scriptures is for our benefit. God does not hate us and want us to have boring lives, God wants us, as Christians, to have the most joyful lives on the planet! Obey God and receive the blessing He intended for His creation.

So often people say they trust God, but won’t place their “romantic” lives in God’s hands.

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