The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Faithful few, O LORD, may we be the faithful ones!

The Faithful few, O LORD, may we be the faithful ones!

    The word remnant implies by its very name that only a small portion or small number remains from what was once there or what exists. Jesus told us that few find the narrow gate that leads to life. Soberingly, this is the reality of the truth. Today, there is lots of talk about evangelism and reaching everybody and it is great to proclaim the Gospel, but the balance of a realization of Jesus’ Words is needed. We will not reach everyone and even among those who think “they have found the gate” there are many who do not. Jesus is very clear in the Gospels that many false prophets will arise, simply to draw away disciples after themselves, not Jesus Christ. In addition, there will be many who come to Jesus saying “Lord, Lord,” and have done amazing things in Jesus name, yet He will say “Depart from me, I never knew you.”

    We want to know Jesus Christ intimately and our hearts prayer is that you do as well! The remnant, are those who are remaining or as the Gospels say abiding in relationship with the vine, Jesus Christ. It is possible to be close in relationship with Jesus and then to succumb the cares of this world and fall away from Christ. Jesus was very clear in his exhortation (that means warning and encouragement) to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 that it is very possible to lose your first love and also become polluted by compromise.

     In light of these truths, for they are the truths of Scripture, we are zeroing in our attention on contrasting the remnant and the “masses” here. In the American church today there is honestly a big difference in style and preaching from the writers of the Bible. The way Paul wrote and Peter preached does not seem to be seen from a lot of large churches today. The mega church movement and seeker-friendliness are not focusing on the Lord based on the fruit. Now, that does not mean that all large churches are at fault. We believe that preachers such as Michael Youseff, Adrian Rodgers, David Jeremiah, Chuck Swindoll, Alistair Begg, and Charles Stanley have guided their large churches according to the pattern of the Bible. However, the bulk of the American church has backslid at best and followed another Gospel at worst. Though calling themselves Christians, many do not believe in the Bible.

     That is why today there is a remnant. Many Christians have grown silent, yet a remnant has been very vocal and stood for what is right. Many have avoided “political” issues as ungodly affairs, yet a remnant has picked up the standard and defended Life, Justice, the Poor, the Widow, and the Fatherless in the land.

      It is hard, it is not easy to stay close to the Lord. There are times of tremendous trials and pressures of the world, of other people, and even from family members to just give up on God. Yet, Jesus promises us a light burden and easy yoke if we will only come to Him, and throw unreservedly our cares upon Him. Let Christ be your strength for in our human weakness, O how strong the Lord is, dear Brother or Sister!

“All God’s giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them.”

Hudson Taylor


There may be few, but the few will arise!


    The Bible teaches that the Godly are disciplined now, not later, that is why our journey is more difficult than those who follow the broad road because we are drawing closer to our master and he must use sorrow and suffering to continue the process of sanctification (being conformed to the image of Christ) as the allegorical classic Hinds Feet In High Places illustrates. While there is pain for suffering with Christ while on this earth, there is the greatest joys and peace as well! O how wonderful it is to be in fellowship with the Savior and hear His sweet voice on a regular basis as His sheep.

“It is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide veneered over with Christian sentiment. You will be no more prosperous and successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realize the call of God. But if once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ, the memory of what God wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him on the common-sense basis.”

Oswald Chambers


    Daniel was taken from home and made a eunuch, Nehemiah had to serve a pagan king, Noah was a preacher of righteousness without one convert for at least 150 years (if not 500), Abraham left his home to obey a call to go wither he knew not, Joseph was put into slavery and falsely accused, Peter was crucified for his refusal to deny his Lord, Paul was beheaded for staying true to his call, need I go on? There are numerous more examples of the Remnant—those who stayed devoted to Christ.


    IF you have fallen and do not think you are worthy to come back into relationship with the Lord, let me remind you of O’l Peter. Peter denied Christ three times! Not to mention told Jesus Christ that he would die beside Him! Peter even went back to his old life of fishing, but guess what? Jesus restored Peter. Jesus redeemed Peter. Jesus paid Peter’s debt. Jesus loved Peter. And o’l Peter became the first one to stand up and preach in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and thousands came to Christ. He was blessed by being the leader of the Jerusalem Church, visions, revelations, and seeing multitudes swept into the Kingdom of God as he was obedient! Don’t give up, don’t wait any longer—come back to Jesus! Like Jesus did for Peter, he will restore You! Jesus will redeem You! Jesus will pay your debt! Jesus loves You! And, yes, Jesus will use You!

We need to know our identity in Christ—we’re a new creation! We have new life!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

An Exerpt from My New Book The Remnant



 Setting the Stage


       While this is one book on the remnant an entire series on the Remnant could really be created. Just the examples in Scripture alone would take many volumes, and many more volumes could be filled with examples of Christians throughout history! Before we set the stage, let us encourage you to read Foxes Book of Martyrs. This classic, while sobering, is a great book to continue studying God’s remnant with.

     Do you every feel like you are one of the faithful few among Christians? The fact is that Elijah did. Elijah felt miserable and alone, but God said that He was not alone. No, there were 7,00o others who had remained faithful to the Lord. 7,000? Ya, I know it doesn’t sound like a very big number for an entire nation, but this remnant was used by God and preserved by Him during treacherous days in the history of Israel.
I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying, 3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. 4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. 5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace

Romans 11:1-6 (KJV)

   Whether we look at the Old Testament or the New, God has been preserving His remnant. We want to be very clear from the outset that we believe the Scripture when it says that all scripture is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). That means both Old and New Testaments. At times, we will really zero in on specific passages, but we have tried to keep the whole counsel of God in mind and weave examples from both halves of the Bible together in several places to show the unified teaching of God’s Word.

      In the book, generally Ryan has written the Scriptural introduction, and then Ken has written the practical application of the section.

Go to the FMM store to get a copy:

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Swiss Family Robinson--Unabridged

The Swiss Family Robinson-Unabridged


  The Swiss Family Robinson, by Johann D. Wyss tells of the adventures of Mother, Father, Fritz, Earnest, Jack, and Franz after they escape the wreckage of their ship bound for New Guinea. Throughout their adventures, horrors, battles, and discoveries this amazing fictional family still have faith in their Creator. They also build a vast array of fortifications for safety, as well as, ‘summer’ homes for pleasure. The whole family also displays an uncanny ability to invent items not only of necessity, but for their relative ease and comfort throughout their recorded stay on the island.

  Originally the Robinsons set sail from Switzerland to come and settle the colony of New Guinea and as a result embark on a ship laden with supplies for the would-be settlers of the distant colony: these stores prove to be very valuable after the shipwreck the family endures. After contriving a “tub” boat the family reaches the shore and afterward begin to search for the rest of the crew, which they sadly conclude must have perished at sea. The Robinson family builds several structures including a fortress on a nearby island, a farm, and a cave home with rooms made of bamboo walls. The family discovers many things, from how to harvest the marine life that comes in such abundance that at times it can simply be grabbed and thrown upon the shore to building their home; and raising and taming numerous animals. The Robinson boys, especially adventurous, help their father explore parts of the island and while doing so discover animals from buffalos to elephants and vegetation from sugar canes to wild potatoes.

   The family contrives, a rowing machine, forge, mill, and oyster scooping arm, to name a few. They engage in battles with a huge boa constrictor, wild boar, whale and even a lion! Repeatedly, Father instructs his family in the Word of God by reading the Scripture on their ‘holiday,’ continuing to stress the importance of rest on the Sabbath, and continual thanks to God for deliverance form the waves, snake, and other hardships. On several occasions the Robinson men also battle with apes that have on multiple occasions destroyed their buildings and wreaked all kinds of havoc to their distant farm and animals. At one point, the eldest son, Fritz, locates a young English woman who has also been stranded on the island for nearly three years and after being introduced to the Robinsons she comes to live with them for a short while before their whereabouts are finally discovered. Finally, after living on the Island for nearly ten years they found by English men, who are lead by the father of the young English woman.

  In summary, the story of The Swiss Family Robinson is exciting and adventurous. Whether they are building a home, plowing a field, fighting a battle, or inventing another clever contraption the Robinsons exhibit refreshingly Biblical principles such as prayer, thankfulness, endurance, and hard work. This family’s ingenuity is an inspiration to many people because they are inspired to work harder, be more thankful and give the credit of their salvation to HIM rather than claiming all honor for their own self-sufficiency. Therefore, this book is a great classic to put into the hands of young people.

  In evaluation, one can not only be refreshed by the Biblical content of the book and the emphasis on prayer, but one can pleasurably rest and have his imagination filled with images of the vividly depicted land, buildings, and tools with which the boys and Father work with so often. Primarily the story is a helpful read, which has the potential to teach many people, especially young men, the importance of character, hard work, determination, proficiency, imagination, ingenuity and a wide spectrum of other admirable qualities.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A One Act Play that Will Challenge You

One Act Play, January 14, 2011

The Not so Normal, Should-be Normal Christian Day



Mr. M: The host

Mysterious X: A man with wise sayings.

Mr. Whitney:  A close friend of Mr. M’s


  Mr. M’s residence.


A single spot light on stage. Have Mr. M walk in from stage right (the door) and begin.

MR. M – (arranging the table and picking up a few toys of the floor mumbles) “I wish the kids would keep the house cleaner.”

(Mr. M continues picking various items up and putting them away then he gets on his knees.) He prays, “O Lord, please bless this time with my close friend, Mr. Whitney, and may this fellowship time build both of us up and challenge us to become more like Your Son. Amen.”

NARRATOR:  The reader would be wise to note Mr. M’s prayer for a challenge. Little did Mr. M know that his prayer would be answered and the challenge would be much bigger than he ever thought it would.

Doorbell rings and Mr. M walks over to open it (Stage left). Upon opening the door Mr. M sees Mr. Whitney and Mysterious Mr. X.

MR. M – “Hello, Mr Whitney, and who is this? This is ______________ (The reader must understand that Mysterious X’s name cannot be revealed due to security threats that might result from such action.)

MR. M CONTINUES – “please come and sit down in the living room and make yourselves at home.”

MR. WHITNEY – “So how has work been, Mr. M?”

MR. M – “It has been going well. It is growing and the work is hard, but it is growing well.”

MYSTERIOUS X – “Did you ever think how much time we waste on pleasantries?”

MR. M – “Where did that come from?”

MR. WHITNEY – “Mysterious X has a tendency to be very blunt. Sorry.”

MR. M – “No that is quite all right.”

MR. WHITNEY – “So, Mysterious X, what is it that you would like to discuss?”

MYSTERIOUS X – “Well, what matters the most? We can talk and talk and find no solution. Getting out there and trying things we accomplish more than we can ever discover in a mere conversation.”

MR. M – “So, what do you believe matters the most?”

MR. MYSTERIOUS – “I think that living what you already know is right matters most. For instance, I know that you, Mr. M, are a prominent Minister and my friend, Mr. Whitney would be labeled as a solid Christian business man. But I think that the real issue with you Christians is that you sit around talking more than going around and doing.

  You see, I have read your Bible from cover to cover and this Jesus guy was pretty awesome. He spent time  doing stuff with and for people. But you guys claim that you are His followers and yet you sit around more than most of the people that you would label Pagans. You always seem to preach the message of living for Jesus, when you yourselves are just living as Holy Couch Warmers.

  Sorry, I don’t mean to demean you completely, but demeaning is probably what you “Christians” (Mysterious X motioning quotation marks with his fingers) need so that you can get back to reality. You might have this salvation that you claim to, but until us Heathens start to see you living it, why would we follow? . . . . I think that that will give you two a conversation for a whole day. And that is why I don’t like Christianity. And, yes, I have just labeled you like you would have labeled me – critically.

Goodbye, I must be getting to my rounds, I have a lot to do today and a lot of Christians to convert into Real Humans.”

(Mr. M rises and thanks Mysterious X for coming and shows him to the door.)

MR. WHITNEY – You know, he’s right, we sit around trying to solve problems through speech and study rather than living out what we already know to be true. I’m sorry old pal, but I need to go and pray and think over this. . . . I just can’t help, but believe that God just gave me a message for my life through the mouth of somebody who doesn’t even know Him.”

Mr. M rises and shows Mr. Whitney to the door. He comes back to the living room and kneels next to the coffee table.

MR M. – “Lord, I didn’t expect a challenge like this . . . . but maybe this is why my life seems so hard, I continue to schedule times to talk, but over and over I don’t live it. Please help me . . . What’s that?  . . . . Yes, I know that you have given me all things . . . What? . . . . What do you mean I need to use my authority in Christ . . . . God?  . . . . What do mean think about it, you’re supposed to help me.

GOD –“ I already have helped you. The man you just heard bore a message from Me although He does not serve Me. Get this one right and then come back for another life-realigning....I love you, but I am not going to take this away quickly... you're going to have to work this one out in your life over time."

Almost, The End


The obituaries the characters:

Mysterious X:

(19?-20?) Renowned social reformer, Mysterious X, lived a full life of 87 years and was founder of the Stop Being Christians and Start being a Real Human corporation, which has sold millions of 10 page how to guides to living a good life. His lectures where always short and to the point, but many were changed by them. Among other things, statistics estimate that 300 million have left Christianity to follow the example of Mysterious X. His followers, say “The fact that so many have turned to Mysterious X’s teaching proves that this is the only true religion.”

  His wife of 60 years and his 9 children mourn the death of their father at the Get It Right Cemetery, at 7 am on Friday the 17th. They humbly request that you join them for a time of DOING SOMETHING after the service.


Mr. Whitney:

  Mr. James Alva Whitney was a multi-millionaire who won millions for the Christian cause. He attributed his success in life to a Saturday morning discussion with his dear friend Mr. M and renowned social reformer Mysterious X. Throughout his life Whitney said that, “When I am in life’s deepest rut I know that I still need to keep on doing what Christ would do and wait for the harvest to come.”

  Mr. Whitney was asked many times throughout his life why he never went into the ministry. His answer was, “God gave me business for my income, ministry is simply my life, not my career –and  it never will be my career.”

  Whitney leaves behind many loving friends and his huge grants to small ministries and Christian businesses around the country.


Mr. M:

  Founder of Change Your Mind for Christ Ministries, discarded his first ministerial endeavor Right Living Ministries for what he called, “my true calling.” Many people have claimed life changes because of reading Mr. M’s writings and working along with him in what he called, “Doing as Jesus would ‘a done it.” Mr. M is also credited with working closely with the multi-millionaire, Mr. James Whitney in what he called, “Discipling by saying follow me.

  Mr. M leaves behind a wife of thirty years and 5 children, who now live what their dad called “the REAL life.”

The End


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Came as a Baby to be a Savior and Coming to be King

Came as a Baby to be a Savior and Coming to be King

 Jesus was born in Bethlehem, fulfilling the prophecy in Micah 5:2. Conceived by the Holy Spirit in a virgin named Mary, He was born fully God and fully man. Jesus came as a baby to be our Savoir, the Messiah!

   Messiah Jesus came to bring life to us through His grace. It was His coming which opened the door to the salvation of the Gentile masses. However, Jesus was not sent to the Gentiles, but the lost sheep of Israel to equip those who were His followers so that they could evangelize the entire world after He left.

   The short story is that Jesus lived a sinless life, was crucified on the cross, died, and rose again! One of the reasons Jesus came was to set the captive free, and to open the eyes of the spiritually blind and the ears of the spiritually deaf (both were symbolized in His healing of physical blindness and deafness).  

   Jesus Christ came as a Savior, but He’s coming back again as King! One day, He will return to destroy this evil world and set up a new kingdom. He is coming in power and glory; whereas, last time He came in servanthood, humility, and suffering. Be Prepared—Christ is King and He is coming back!

Experience is a Hard Teacher

Experience is a Hard Teacher


      I will attempt to list reasons why experience is a hard teacher. To start off, we often learn lessons repeatedly from experience either because we disregard the advice of our parents and those in authority over us; or we never really grasp the message or principle that experience attempts to convey. Likewise, we often experience failure along the road to success and thus we view experiences as a dreaded teacher from whom we cannot escape. Furthermore, experience seeks to stretch us to improve our character and this is not enjoyable, thus we shy away when we can. In continuance, it takes time (which in our day and age is precious) to learn from experience. Similarly, learning from the experiences of others seems childish and out of our way, so we ignore this option. In addition, you have to live with the consequences of your experiences which are often painful aside from the healing of Jesus Christ. Lastly, sometimes our experiences could have been avoided altogether if we had not run from God like Jonah, thus we learn that experience is a hard teacher.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Need for both Mercy and Justice

The Need for both Mercy and Justice

     A proper balance of both justice and mercy, which appear to be opposite concepts, is necessary to our well being. To begin, the definition of justice is “The virtue which consists of giving to every one what is his due . . .” In contrast, mercy is described as the “. . . benevolence, mildness or tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves; the disposition that tempers justice, and induces an injured person to forgive punishment, or inflict less than law or justice . . .” Both justice and mercy are needed in order for a country, a family, or a life to survive. For example, a parent must be just when a child has willingly done wrong; yet when their child comes before them with a repentant and broken soul asking for a pardon, shall it not be given or at least the punishment lovingly, and perhaps more gently, continued? Christ is the same way, His justice is needed and will be executed at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15); but Christ’s mercy covers us of the eternal punishment of our sins. Neither extreme is good, right, or pure: the extreme of mercy leads to compromise and an “anything goes” mentality; whereas, the extreme of justice leads to legalism and a “no pardon – ever!” mentality. Thus, we must be just and yet have an element of mercy in our lives; otherwise our countries, lives, and families will cease to live healthily and vibrantly.

*Definitions are taken from Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Six Guys, and a Fourteen Foot Tower

Six Guys, and a Fourteen Foot Tower


   There I was at the JLTA (Junior Leadership Training Academy), a two day Royal Ranger training event in Rocky Mount, Missouri. I registered and was then placed in a class consisting of six young men, three core instructors, and two secondary instructors. We had a couple of big tasks for our two-day camp: one was to build a fourteen foot tower using only rope and wood!

   We began our task with lessons on how to lash small pieces of wood together using the various knots that would be needed for the project ahead. After that, we were assigned to complete a one-third scale model of the tower that we were going to build.  With only six of us and no tools to measure the levelness or congruency of our bases and cross members, we struggled to build our model tower. As we slowly worked, we fell behind schedule. In order to try to regain lost time, we split up to accomplish our given tasks. I and another guy ended up finishing the scale tower while the others went to prepare the supplies for the real tower.  And after a good amount of work we finally finished! But our joy of completion was short-lived and met with disappointment: the one-third scale tower did not stand erect. Our members had not been lashed properly! A knot cramped my stomach and it seemed to say, “How are we going to finish the big one and pass the camp requirements? We do not have enough time to rebuild this one!”

   I and my comrade proceed hurriedly for the sight of our real tower. Upon reaching it, we reunited with our other four team mates and after a brief exchange of information and progress on our given tasks, we began; pleased to find that we had been given some special wooden timbers that fit together with pegs and slots. This made it much easier to secure the pieces in a level and congruent fashion!  Inside I exclaimed, “Maybe we will finish!” As we began lashing we discovered that the special pegs and timbers did not provide rigidity, they only kept the wooden beams and cross members in their approximate places while we lashed the pieces to together, the lashings themselves provided the strength.

   Over the course of tightly lashing the tower we attached ladder steps onto the two end posts of one side, an x-support onto the opposite two end posts for strength, a platform for the tower, put a makeshift railing around the platform, and attached another two x-supports between the opposite legs for strength and rigidity (refer to fig. 1). All of this was done on the ground. Everything was lashed, and we were ready to hoist it up! We got some of the adult men nearby to help us, proceeding to put stakes in the approximate places needed to hold the tower upright after we hoisted it. Then we attached ropes to pull the tower upright with, and after a short time of pulling, we had the tower upright. We then drove rebar stakes far into the ground in their proper places and attached our ropes to them with a tauntline hitch knot. When all ropes were loosely secured we tightened down the ropes until they were taught.

   We had accomplished our goal! I stood in admiration for a second, enjoying the work of my team and then everyone began to mount the tower and beckon me to do the same. My mind said, “Ahh . . . I should stay on the on the ground,” but conquering my fear, I slowly mounted. It moved slightly under the weight of all six young men, but it held us. We had done it! We posed for our pictures and rejoiced in our accomplishment, but it was soon over and we went on to our other tasks and requirements.  

    I learned that even when things look doubtful, it can turn around. The odds were against me and my six team mates: the one-third scale model was a disaster, the project was huge, and the manpower was small, yet it was accomplished as we applied ourselves and worked. Glory be to God!
     can you see any principles similar to Nehemiah rebuilding the wall in this essay?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Term Limits Are Wise--Human nature says otherwise....

Politicians should Comply with Their Term Limits


    Politicians should be subject to term limits, whether they are righteous or wicked, praiseworthy or shameful, respectable or detestable. 

  Throughout history, mankind has desired to have human leaders, and, to an extent, the Lord has provided them. God has appointed judges, prophets, priests, elders, leaders, and kings over the centuries; but the true headship remained in His hands until Israel begged for a king. After that, we can see the turmoil that resulted between the kings of Israel, which started with David and Saul.1 We see in Israel’s history a related instance:

. . . . The Jews, elate with success, and attributing it to the generalship of Gideon, proposed making him a king, saying, Rule thou over us, thou and thy son and thy son’s son. Here was temptation in its fullest extent; not a kingdom only, but an hereditary one, but Gideon in the piety of his soul replied, I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you, THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU. Words need not be more explicit; Gideon doth not decline the honor but denieth their right to give it;2

 The New Testament Scripture teaches:

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.3

   From this Scripture passage we learn that we, as Christians, are to submit to the authorities, which God has established. We learn that we are to pay their taxes and respect the leadership over us, whether we agree with them or not. How does this apply to a politician’s term limit? It applies because a leader, or in this case a politician, will know the weight of his office when he realizes that God has given him authority to administer justice. That is a heavy burden. Likewise, when the people know that their leadership is appointed by God, they are prone to keep a closer eye on their leaders; thus accountability develops between a Christian people and their government.

  Should a man hold office as long as he is virtuous and removed if he is corrupted? Cases arise in which great men of virtue and righteousness are willing to lead us beyond his maximum term limit, but should we allow him to do so? It is a hard question, but the answer should be no.  History teaches us that after winning independence from Britain such a man existed: that man was named George Washington. The people of our fair young country wanted to make this great man our king (that is, our leader for life), but he refused. Instead, Washington only served two terms as the President of the United States of America. In doing so, he set up a precedent that should still hold true: our political leaders should be subject to term limits. If we allow even righteous men to hold the reins of power farther than their term allows, then we rob ourselves and them. Their children might be expected to carry on after them in the same manner; but what if they fail? Over time if a man rules with absolute power, whether righteously or wickedly, he is prone to attempt to leave some of his power with his family and friends. He should not rule for life, the risk and dangers that follow are too great to trifle with.

   This is a simple truth. We cannot expect our leaders, whether local or executive, to serve lifelong terms. When and if we do, we go against justice, common sense, wisdom, and, most importantly, God history book, the Bible. Men often become prideful when they have a whole life of superiority; and if by some miracle they do not, then their posterity may collapse under the pressure that their relative left them later on down the road.

  In order to move forward, we must have a leadership body that changes. It is great when a man devotes his life to public service, but he should not stay in the same position forever. If one man cannot be president for his entire life, then should another be a mayor or a governor for his whole life? No.  Politicians should not be allowed to be freed from term limits, whether their character is praise worthy or not.


1.      Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles

2.      Common Sense by Tomas Paine

3.      Romans 13:1-7 NIV

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Liberty and Justice for All--how are rights and freedoms protected?

   The real glory of a nation comes from its people: the individual persons’ intelligence, honesty, industriousness, and Christian Character; without these a country will lose its liberty. This glory is not assured in having an abundance of art, libraries, galleries, or wealth in a nation’s cities; but rather, in the loyalty, industriousness, and upright character of the people. The sound of an industrious peoples’ work brings dignity, honor, and exultation to their country. Similarly, the nation’s safety is not just founded upon the wisdom or bravery of its citizens, but the righteous character of the people. In their Christian homes, safety is created. It stands for the right things and receives the blessings of truth and righteousness in return. The genuine glory of a nation is also clearly modeled in the villages, with their Christian schools, restless prayer, and faith in God–all these bring a nation glory.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Is Evolution true? NO!

Is Evolution true? NO!

   Evolution is a theory which claims that all life has progressed (evolved) to more sophisticated life forms, the chief being man, over a period of billions or even trillions of years. But is this true? In Genesis one, God creates the universe in six days. And after each day, this chapter refers to the evening and morning of those days having passed. The six days of creation are literal days, they do not represent some complex system of millions of years, in which, an ameba turns into a fish, turns into an amphibian, turns into a reptile, turns into a bird, turns into a mammal, and finally turns into a man. That reasoning is absurd! For example, No “transitional” life form has progressed from a reptile to a bird and survived. The mutated “progressing” life forms would be eaten by the already existent “lesser” carnivorous life forms.

   Further, if we believe the Bible is the tangible and inspired Words of God, then with just a basic knowledge of Scripture, we can calculate the age of the earth: about two or three thousand years passed between Creation and the Great Flood. And after the Flood another two or three thousand years passed until Christ was born and died and since Christ’s death around two thousand years has currently transpired. With this rough calculation we know that the earth, at its greatest, is around eight thousand years old and, at its youngest, around six thousand years old. Billions of years will not fit into six to eight thousand!

  Finally, we cannot accept evolution to be true because there is not any significant amount of evidence: carbon dating is faulty, the geologic column does not exist in the strata, transitional forms have not been found (and even if some have, the number is too small to prove anything), the earth is not salty enough to be billions of years old, our land is not barren enough to be billions of years old, and humans fossils are found right next to their “ancestors” in the rock strata. In contrast, God’s Word (the Bible) gives us a blueprint of human history since creation and an abundance of physical evidence supports it: our oceans are not salty enough to we millions of years old, our land is not barren enough to be millions of years old, the evidence of a worldwide flood is in the rock strata and lastly, humans are found right along their supposed “ancestors” in the rock layers of the earth. Evolution has little if any supporting evidence; but God’s Word has boatloads of evidence and proof. Let’s accept the Word of God over the unproved and self-contradictory theory of Evolution.


Suggestions for further study:
The Bible
Answers in Genesis – an organization with a ton of books and free articles on the topic of the Bible vs. Evolution

A Beka Book’s, Biology: God’s Living Creation, Chapter 14


Thursday, November 20, 2014

R.G. Lee’s major points on Evolution

R.G. Lee’s major points on Evolution

“You can no more believe the Bible and Darwin’s theory of evolution than you can be a man and a woman at the same time.”

“ ‘You can not be an informed Christian and a logical evolutionist. We need to awake to the horrible implications of evolution and its denial of the truth of God. The cardinal truth for the Christian is that man was created in the image of God; man fell from his state of innocency and sinlessness; and man, apart from God’s provision in His Son, is lost. The Atonement was necessary for man’s salvation.”

“ ‘The essence of Evolution is that man developed slowly from a speck of protoplasm in the sea; man has not fallen; man has followed an upward course from protoplasm to monkey, from monkey to man, from tree-man to the creature of the Stone Age and Bronze Age, etc.; there was no fall, there was rise; there was no need for atonement, for man has not sinned against God; man is still an unfinished creature, still evolving.”

“ ‘. . . How can a person possibly hold concurrently that man was created perfect and fell–and that man never fell, is still imperfect, still rising?”

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I can’t go by my desires. I have to commit my way to the Lord. –my book Psalms 37



  The phone rings or someone walks by and as soon as they do a mindless chatter springs from the lips of the Gossip. She may be dressed well or sloppily, but she can always be spotted. We have all seen them, big mouths, incessantly running their lips and rarely thinking. Likewise, the gossip does not only talk pompously, but acts and thinks so as well. As she walks overconfidently with her nose in the air and self-assurance that she is an acceptable contribution to her culture, she presses on.  Whether in a professional looking case or an overcrowded purse, her most important tool – her cell phone – is sure to always be near. With this one device she can daily broadcast, gather information, and research the latest rumor to add to her vast record books. She is constantly working and rattling off her overabundant “knowledge.” She laughs at many things and never examines herself.  She is the Gossip, condemned by preachers and dreaded by parents as she roams the streets, buildings and homes of her city and beyond via every tool available: email, internet, phone, cell phone, text,  instant message, letter, conversation, flyers, etc.

  Inside she has to push away the realization that her life is meaningless, without performing this mind boggling duty, she would suffer an unexplainable depression from the realization of all the harm she has daily done. No one wants to be her close companion for long because they know that everything about them will be eventually broadcasted to the world; yet, somehow, she is always making new “friends.” How does this happen? One cannot know.

  To conclude, she is synonymous with chattering, tattle tales, grapevines, bigmouths, and meddling. Her friendships are many and unconditional. Her life is talk, and she never is silent. SHE IS THE GABBY GOSSIP.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Simple Things

Today, I'm sharing a poem I wrote in High School--there is some value in contemplating it's rhymes

Simple Things
[truth unleashed]

A Rose is more red than I

When I attempted three thousand cantos in a day.


Today I pause,

For pausing may cause something to happen.


Realigning my focus means

Redefining my life and mind.


Making a choice sometimes

Means raising my voice.


Living in sin

Is like dying again.


Once was I born

And once shall I die.


A waterfall’s water is beautiful,

But if I fall in, I get wetter than it.


A blue ocean

Once drew a picture new.


Once in my life I wish to see

The Creator who made me and makes you.


O the simple things

They make me pause and they bring . . . . thought and laughter.

Monday, November 17, 2014

How to Build a Personal Library

How to Build a Personal Library

       To start building a personal library, you will greatly benefit by composing a list of books which would like to own. It may also be helpful to decide what type(s) of book(s) you want in your library, examples include: classics, fantasies, biographies, information books, or a variety of these four. When you have a rough plan in mind, now is the time to proceed to actually securing the books. Some of the books you want you might acquire by working for someone to earn a book or a certain selection of books (and thus save some cash); others may be found at garage sales, book sales, or library sales for less than they are actually worth; or you can buy books new at a store or online. Before purchasing or working for a book, take a good look at it and ask the Lord to give you discernment on whether or not you should have this book. As you compile books in this manner, a bookshelf will probably be useful. You may purchase a new book shelf at a store, or you can find one at a rummage sale. If neither of these options is desirable, you may build your own bookshelf or possibly do some work for someone who has an old bookshelf that they would like to get rid of.  Once you have a bookshelf you now need to decide how you will arrange your books on the shelves: will you arrange them by topic? Alphabetical order? Subject? Type? Etc. Your possibilities are endless, so be creative. Next, you may want to develop some type of label to put inside your books so that you can identify that they are yours—this will come in handy if you loan some out. You may also want to keep a notebook to write down when you have completed a book and who (if anyone) has borrowed your books. Your library is now started and you can continue to build it over the years.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Genius, the Mark of a Christian Culture

Genius, the Mark of a Christian Culture


           We see something in America that sets us apart, it makes us great, it defines our culture, but what is it? I submit that it is Christian Genius. This term does not refer to a superior mind or superhuman understanding which becomes yours merely due to being a Christian. Instead, this Christian Genius becomes yours as a mark of your transformed life in Christ. Free enterprise, personal incentive, frugality, inventiveness, time-saving techniques and devices—these are the results of Christian Genius. As one realizes that this is the way that God originally designed the human race, he begins to understand how he is supposed to live: he is to work in EVERYTHING as if God he was working for God (Col. 3:17). As one develops this mindset, Christian Genius enraptures him. He begins to live his life trying to be frugal with all his resources: time, talent, gifting, money, possession, family, church, technology, and mind. Living in such a way encourages economic BOOM. But why? Because as one does EVERYTHING as unto God, he becomes an inventive, creating individual. As a Christian understands that he is created in the image of God, he starts creating with the things that his Lord created. A Christian Genius is not a human prodigy or mastermind; rather the extra-ordinary person that God created him to be! Christian Genius goes much farther than an individual’s life though; when one person is transformed; then their friends and family are affected; after that, members of their church are impacted; next, the people at their workplace(s) are encouraged to work harder, and in a while, everyone is living by a higher standard. In this way (CHRISTIAN GENIUS), God permeated the young American culture with diligence, drive, ingenuity, passion, focus, determination, fruitfulness, industry, frugality, truth, character, love, firmness, resolution, and talent. America is a country that has been founded on Christian Genius, much like Israel was founded on an Israeli Genius and both came directly from God. As God transforms people throughout every age, every culture, and every land we see this truth displayed: Christian Genius arises. Natural productivity, inventiveness, resilience, focus, character, and wealth come as a byproduct of the Christian simply doing his duty. Cultures will continue to be transformed, and technology will continue to advance because of this amazing principle! Not only does this Christian Genius make a Christian Culture, but it defines a Christian Culture. O Christian Genius is so much more than ingenuity, inventiveness and smarts; it is simply an all-enraptured life in communion with God and his laws.

The Podcast

The Podcast
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