Faithful few, O LORD, may we be the faithful ones!
The word remnant implies by its very name that only a small portion or small
number remains from what was once there or what exists. Jesus told us that few
find the narrow gate that leads to life. Soberingly, this is the reality of the truth. Today, there is lots of
talk about evangelism and reaching everybody and it is great to proclaim the
Gospel, but the balance of a realization of Jesus’ Words is needed. We will not
reach everyone and even among those who think “they have found the gate” there
are many who do not. Jesus is very clear in the Gospels that many false
prophets will arise, simply to draw away disciples after themselves, not Jesus
Christ. In addition, there will be many
who come to Jesus saying “Lord, Lord,” and have done amazing things in Jesus
name, yet He will say “Depart from me, I never knew you.”
We want to know Jesus Christ intimately and our hearts prayer is that you do
as well! The remnant, are those who are remaining or as the Gospels say abiding in relationship with the vine, Jesus
Christ. It is possible to be close in relationship with Jesus and then to
succumb the cares of this world and fall away from Christ. Jesus was very
clear in his exhortation (that means warning and encouragement) to the seven
churches in Revelation 2 and 3 that it is very possible to lose your first love
and also become polluted by compromise.
In light of these truths, for they are the
truths of Scripture, we are zeroing in our attention on contrasting the remnant
and the “masses” here. In the American church today there is honestly a
big difference in style and preaching from the writers of the Bible. The way
Paul wrote and Peter preached does not seem to be seen from a lot of large
churches today. The mega church movement and seeker-friendliness are not
focusing on the Lord based on the fruit. Now, that does not mean that all large
churches are at fault. We believe that preachers such as Michael Youseff,
Adrian Rodgers, David Jeremiah, Chuck Swindoll, Alistair Begg, and Charles
Stanley have guided their large churches according to the pattern of the Bible.
However, the bulk of the American church has backslid at best and followed
another Gospel at worst. Though calling themselves Christians, many do not
believe in the Bible.
That is why today there is a remnant. Many
Christians have grown silent, yet a remnant has been very vocal and stood for
what is right. Many have avoided “political” issues as ungodly affairs, yet a
remnant has picked up the standard and defended Life, Justice, the Poor, the
Widow, and the Fatherless in the land.
It is hard, it is not easy to stay close
to the Lord. There are times of tremendous trials and pressures of the world,
of other people, and even from family members to just give up on God. Yet,
Jesus promises us a light burden and easy yoke if we will only come to Him, and
throw unreservedly our cares upon Him. Let Christ be your strength for in our
human weakness, O how strong the Lord is, dear Brother or Sister!
God’s giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they
reckoned on His being with them.”
may be few, but the few will arise!
The Bible teaches that the Godly are
disciplined now, not later, that is
why our journey is more difficult than those who follow the broad road because we are drawing closer to our master
and he must use sorrow and suffering to continue the process of sanctification
(being conformed to the image of Christ) as the allegorical classic Hinds Feet In High Places illustrates.
While there is pain for suffering with Christ while on this earth, there is the
greatest joys and peace as well! O how wonderful it is to be in fellowship with
the Savior and hear His sweet voice on a regular basis as His sheep.
is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call,
because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your
guide veneered over with Christian sentiment. You will be no more prosperous
and successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realize the call of God. But
if once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ, the memory of what God
wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him
on the common-sense basis.”
Daniel was taken from home and made a eunuch,
Nehemiah had to serve a pagan king, Noah was a preacher of righteousness
without one convert for at least 150 years (if not 500), Abraham left his home
to obey a call to go wither he knew not, Joseph was put into slavery and
falsely accused, Peter was crucified for his refusal to deny his Lord, Paul was
beheaded for staying true to his call, need I go on? There are numerous more
examples of the Remnant—those who stayed devoted to Christ.
IF you have fallen and do not think you are
worthy to come back into relationship with the Lord, let me remind you of O’l
Peter. Peter denied Christ three times! Not to mention told Jesus Christ that
he would die beside Him! Peter even went back to his old life of fishing, but
guess what? Jesus restored Peter. Jesus redeemed Peter. Jesus paid
Peter’s debt. Jesus loved Peter. And o’l Peter became
the first one to stand up and preach in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and
thousands came to Christ. He was blessed by being the leader of the Jerusalem
Church, visions, revelations, and seeing multitudes swept into the Kingdom of
God as he was obedient! Don’t give up, don’t wait any longer—come back to
Jesus! Like Jesus did for Peter, he will restore You! Jesus will redeem
You! Jesus will pay your debt! Jesus loves
You! And, yes, Jesus will use You!
We need
to know our identity in Christ—we’re a new creation! We have new life!