The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Liberty and Justice for All--how are rights and freedoms protected?

   The real glory of a nation comes from its people: the individual persons’ intelligence, honesty, industriousness, and Christian Character; without these a country will lose its liberty. This glory is not assured in having an abundance of art, libraries, galleries, or wealth in a nation’s cities; but rather, in the loyalty, industriousness, and upright character of the people. The sound of an industrious peoples’ work brings dignity, honor, and exultation to their country. Similarly, the nation’s safety is not just founded upon the wisdom or bravery of its citizens, but the righteous character of the people. In their Christian homes, safety is created. It stands for the right things and receives the blessings of truth and righteousness in return. The genuine glory of a nation is also clearly modeled in the villages, with their Christian schools, restless prayer, and faith in God–all these bring a nation glory.

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