The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

On Preaching

On Preaching


   Always seek the Lord for a message and preach what He lays on your heart. One note though, Paul sought to teach in accordance with the whole counsel of God. If you only preach topical sermons, it is very easy for passion to fade. However, if you preach expository sermons (walk through particular chapters and even books of the Bible) expounding upon its truth, you can still preach using some illustrations and such, but you will ground your flock in the Word. Preach the Word! O preacher, do not err by trying to entertain, nor by relying upon your own efforts in preaching. In truth, preaching is a sovereign work of God. The Holy Spirit is the one who transforms hearts, not our “flawless” presentations. Even in weakness and trembling, bringing the Word, the Holy Spirit can and does deeply touch hearts.

The Podcast

The Podcast
Find it on Itunes by searching Ryan Marks