Is Evolution true? NO!
Evolution is a theory which claims that all
life has progressed (evolved) to more sophisticated life forms, the chief being
man, over a period of billions or even trillions of years. But is this true? In
Genesis one, God creates the universe in six days. And after each day, this
chapter refers to the evening and morning of those days having passed. The six
days of creation are literal days, they do not represent some complex system of
millions of years, in which, an ameba turns into a fish, turns into an
amphibian, turns into a reptile, turns into a bird, turns into a mammal, and
finally turns into a man. That reasoning is absurd! For example, No
“transitional” life form has progressed from a reptile to a bird and survived.
The mutated “progressing” life forms would be eaten by the already existent
“lesser” carnivorous life forms.
Further, if we believe the Bible is the
tangible and inspired Words of God, then with just a basic knowledge of
Scripture, we can calculate the age of the earth: about two or three thousand
years passed between Creation and the Great Flood. And after the Flood another
two or three thousand years passed until Christ was born and died and since
Christ’s death around two thousand years has currently transpired. With this
rough calculation we know that the earth, at its greatest, is around eight thousand
years old and, at its youngest, around six thousand years old. Billions of
years will not fit into six to eight thousand!
Finally, we cannot accept evolution to be
true because there is not any significant amount of evidence: carbon dating is
faulty, the geologic column does not exist in the strata, transitional forms
have not been found (and even if some have, the number is too small to prove
anything), the earth is not salty enough to be billions of years old, our land
is not barren enough to be billions of years old, and humans fossils are found
right next to their “ancestors” in the rock strata. In contrast, God’s Word
(the Bible) gives us a blueprint of human history since creation and an
abundance of physical evidence supports it: our oceans are not salty enough to
we millions of years old, our land is not barren enough to be millions of years
old, the evidence of a worldwide flood is in the rock strata and lastly, humans
are found right along their supposed “ancestors” in the rock layers of the
earth. Evolution has little if any supporting evidence; but God’s Word has
boatloads of evidence and proof. Let’s accept the Word of God over the unproved
and self-contradictory theory of Evolution.
for further study:
The Bible
in Genesis – an organization with
a ton of books and free articles on the topic of the Bible vs. Evolution
Beka Book’s, Biology: God’s Living Creation, Chapter 14