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The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Man’s Fight – Conviction

A Man’s Fight – Conviction

     Conviction is a feeling or understanding that something is not right in your life or a certain standard that you hold to because you believe it is right. For example: if you stole a candy bar, God can convict you that it was wrong. This kind of conviction is meant to lead us to repentance.   It doesn’t feel good and is often hard to act on (like asking for forgiveness), but it is still a blessing because it urges us to stay obedient to Christ. Likewise, going to church regularly is a standard you will probably have because you believe that going to church is important, thus you live like it is important—this is another form of conviction. On the other hand, God’s conviction will leave after you repent. If the feeling of guilt doesn’t leave, you are probably up against condemnation which is of the Devil and you don’t have to pay any attention to it because he is just trying to discourage you. When you are dealing with condemnation read John 3:17-18.

A word of warning: If you do not respond to the conviction (which is meant for leading you to repentance) of the Holy Spirit, you will eventually block the Holy Spirit’s gentle promptings out of your life and thus stumble and possibly even leave the faith. Be careful and continue to be obedient!

Do you have any convictions right now?


Your notes on the subject:

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