The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Friday, October 18, 2013

Samson – a lady problem (Complete story in Judges 13-16)

Samson – a lady problem (Complete story in Judges 13-16)

Read: Judges 13 in class.—SO COOL, I JUST HAD TO INCLUDE IT!

The name SAMSON means

“His sun; his service; there the second time.”—Hitchcock's Dictionary of Bible Names


     Samson was like the strongest guy ever, and yet he had weaknesses. One was his hair, but another was women. . . . The “women” that you are “interested in”—and around!—will either help to build you up or to tear you down. Eve was created to help Adam, not just to be his wife. Think about it.

Your notes on the subject:

The Podcast

The Podcast
Find it on Itunes by searching Ryan Marks