The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Compiled Tips Related to Dealing with Temptation and Satan and his Demons

Compiled Tips Related to Dealing with

Temptation and Satan and his Demons


       This chapter is a compilation of quotes and sayings that teach Scriptural principles. I have often found little sayings like this helpful and hope that they will be to you as well.


“If you think the right things, you can’t be thinking the wrong things at the same time.” Adrian Rogers


Nudity and sexual perversion are a main feature of satanic and demonic influence.

“The mind is Satan’s playground—imaginations.”—Adrian Rogers


The Truth—not silence—set’s people free (STOP AND READ: John 8:31-32).


Scripture warns us to flee sexual temptation; not walk into situations where we know there could be some temptation and just resist.


Pride is a lie about your identity.


God has a plan for your life, but that plan includes valleys of shadow and mountains of revelation (illumination, clarity): hard times and easier times (STOP AND READ: Psalm 23).


Chance is an illusion. God is sovereign over everything so trust Him.


Take heart, be of good cheer, take courage, and persevere!


Be careful what you read! It shapes your mind.


“People who lay down their peace often have stopped praying with thanksgiving and praise. Followers of Jesus need a vibrant prayer life. As the gospel song says, They need to ‘stay in touch with God.’ They must avoid talking with God only about what they think they need, and regularly live with a thankful heart—giving thanks always in all circumstances for all things.” –Charles Stanley


“All transgression begins with sinful thinking. You who have come to Christ for a pure heart, guard against the pictures of lewdness and sensuality which Satan flashes upon the screen of your imaginations, select with care the books you read, choose discerningly the kind of entertainment you attend, the kind of associates with whom you mingle, and the kind of environment in which you place yourself. You should no more allow sinful imaginations to accumulate in your mind and soul than you would let garbage collect in your living room.”—Billy Graham


Your feelings often lie to you. You may feel discouraged or defeated, but you serve a God who is all powerful, ever victorious, and eternally loving. Look to the Lord for your strength, don't focus on the circumstances or feelings that are getting you down—that's what the Enemy wants you to do. Instead, like Paul, learn to delight in suffering for the Master and in being weak because then even more of His strength will be shown through you.


“Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7 (KJV)



You can ask God questions in prayer, it isn’t wrong. Ask God about how to deal with your struggles, He loves you as a perfect Father.


My God is not a God of confusion, but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33).


Instead of spreading myself thin, focus: seek the Lord and joyfully, quietly, peacefully go about your tasks.


Are we to worry or live by faith?


Circumstances should not be allowed to crowd out a quiet life of learning from the Lord.


All the sleep in the world can't cure worry. If you feel fatigued constantly, prayerfully examine yourself to see if you're living in a state of worry. If you find that you are, take courage! We have divine weapons which tear down Strongholds! (Matthew 6:25-34)


Lord, make me salt and light to a world that is tasteless and blind.


Things are happening that I cannot see and may never realize (Ephesians 6:11), but I am impacting others as I follow Christ (Matthew 5:13-16).


Words are powerful.

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