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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Experience is a Hard Teacher

Experience is a Hard Teacher


      I will attempt to list reasons why experience is a hard teacher. To start off, we often learn lessons repeatedly from experience either because we disregard the advice of our parents and those in authority over us; or we never really grasp the message or principle that experience attempts to convey. Likewise, we often experience failure along the road to success and thus we view experiences as a dreaded teacher from whom we cannot escape. Furthermore, experience seeks to stretch us to improve our character and this is not enjoyable, thus we shy away when we can. In continuance, it takes time (which in our day and age is precious) to learn from experience. Similarly, learning from the experiences of others seems childish and out of our way, so we ignore this option. In addition, you have to live with the consequences of your experiences which are often painful aside from the healing of Jesus Christ. Lastly, sometimes our experiences could have been avoided altogether if we had not run from God like Jonah, thus we learn that experience is a hard teacher.

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