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Friday, January 4, 2013

Thought 279: Psalm 78 from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 279

Psalm 78

This chapter is amazing! Read Psalm 78.

§  The basis for homeschooling or any education is to be parent guided based on verses 4-6, the verses are not just referring to so called ‘Biblical education’ like Sunday school.

§  Verse 8 describes what state our country is in now. Without hearts loyal to God, we just run around with heads full of facts and figures and have no purpose to unleash them in a meaningful way for the kingdom.

§  Verses 10 &11 depict what so many of God’s children have done—forgotten the Lord and gotten caught up in themselves.

§  Verse 32 is relevant today as well: God’s wonders are all around us! . . . yet few  believe.

§  Verses 38-39 are amazing! God was merciful, yes!—even in the Old Testament.

§  Verse 52 implies that God has always been a shepherd because He was for Israel and HE is for us.

§  Verses 70-72 speak of the amazing leadership capabilities that God gave to David. Yes, God chose David as the leader of HIS people.

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