Thought 289
Your hope seems to eventually run out,
doesn’t it? I have news for you: there is
a place to have your hope restored. There is a person who should be the
center, the foundation of your hope. When your hope runs out; eventually it will
run out when it is founded on the things of this world.
I’ll admit that my hope has run out and I
needed a ‘lift’, but where did I get it? The altar. Now an altar does not have
to be literally in a church or even a literal object, it is simply anywhere
that you pour out your heart to God and guess what? He has the power to refill
and make a new wine skin out of you, because HE IS THE CREATOR!
Where is your hope focused?
Do you need a fresh ‘refill’? Ask the Father for He has sent the Son to save
you and the Holy Spirit to empower you to be His witness in the earth.