The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thought 281: Drafted or not from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 281

Drafted or not

Will you serve Jesus right now or are you waiting around to be drafted?

  Often we human beings just sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. We may wait for a supernatural incident in which God does a miracle or in which an angel will give us a specific task to accomplish. Or maybe we try to never pick up the Bible and read it to know it, but rather we let others endlessly give us their views of it; and all they while we really have no grasp of the Scriptures to discern whether they are right or wrong. Please don’t misunderstand me, God has sent us great teachers, evangelists, pastors, and countless others with great insight into HIS Word and He has done this for our benefit, but don’t you think that sometimes we put more weight in what others or what someone says than what the Word says, than what the Holy Spirit has taught us through personal application and study? 

I have been told many times “you should go into the military!” Why? Because people look at my “discipline” or “accomplishments” or hobbies or “leadership abilities” and automatically make a military connection. The truth is I don’t have peace about the military or many of the other jobs that others have ‘suggested’ to me: that includes: biology, law, conservation, Microsoft, psychiatrist and others.

       First off, let me define what I mean by peace. God has given me a call to ministry and I have a peace about it. Now this peace is not un-prone to discouragement, fear, embarrassment, or anything like that.  This peace is a deep knowledge which passes all understanding—no matter what happens: no matter what obstacle I face I know that the Lord is with me. Humans often think that peace, joy, and faith are some mysterious, unconquerable, superhuman key to life—but that belief has no Biblical roots. If we are searching for the ‘keys’ to an easier life, we won’t find them. I still have to battle the fear of public speaking before speaking to a crowd (sometimes it is harder than others), but God has given me the inner peace that this is what I was meant to do. That ‘peace’ is not unconquerable though. If I concentrate on things other than what the Lord has given me to do; I can very easily entertain the Enemies lies in my thougths and get discouraged, doubt, worry and even make errors in my speech and actions.

     For a long time I played the ‘this is what I want to be when I grow up game’ and I would believe Ya! This is it! But time and time again it proved wrong, false, and untrue. But in ministry I found purpose, not because I thought it up and stuck to it, but because the Lord called me to it. I don’t always have a feel-good feeling because nothing like that exists all the time. We will all get discouraged at times, that is a simple truth and reality, if you thinking otherwise you might want to ask a friend to slap you and then see if you still ‘feel good.’ What God gives a person to do is not always “ministry” related. It could be entrepreneurship, car selling, managing, stock broking, teaching, etc . . .
     I’ll be honest here, sometimes when I don’t have peace about something, I answer in the wrong way like the following: I have told certain friends and relatives in the past that the only way I am going to the military is if I’m drafted. That was not a proper response and I primarily said it out of annoyance. Do you have the same attitude with God and are you saying I’m not going to do it (what God has called you to do) until I’m drafted, and even then I am going to do everything I can to get out of it? Are you truly waiting to be “drafted or not”?

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