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Friday, January 25, 2013

Thought 300: Fruit First from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 300

Fruit First

  Dear readers, we need to be producing fruit before we are shooting out leaves for our own nourishment.

 I once listened to a sermon by a gentleman named Paul Duvall and the message that struck me was when he explained why Jesus cursed the fig tree. (Check out Matthew 21:18-22Mark 11:20-25 For the full story).

You see, fig trees bear fruit before their leaves come out, in other words, there’s fruit before the outward evidence of a living tree is there. He explained that the reason why Jesus cursed the fig tree is because its leaves were out but no fruit was to be found; therefore it symbolized, in at least one sense, the fake Christian. The fake Christian is somebody who has the appearance (hence the leaves), but not the results and changes (flowers and fruit) of a true relationship with Jesus Christ.

How can this little illustration be applied to your life? Meditate on it and listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice.


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