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Monday, January 7, 2013

Thought 282: The Christian Family from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 282

The Christian Family

“One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” 1 Timothy 3:4-5 KJV


Discipline is important, but so are love and encouragement and mercy.


The Father & Mother should seek to instill Scripture into the hearts and lives of their children because the Word of God will not return unto Him void (Isaiah 55:11)—this knowledge of the Scriptures, like Timothy, has the ability to lead to the salvation of their soul in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15).

The Father should LEAD & Teach his family in spiritual matters—he is the head of the home and must display Christ’s Truth through his own life example: every father is accountable to God to do this.

The Mother should care for her children in the home. She has been blessed by God to be the instrument through which God brings children into the world and He has designed her to also be a primary nurturer for a set season in a child’s life.


The home is an important place. The home—the family—is to do more than just provide food and drink, clothing, and shelter for a group of closely related individuals. The home is to be a place of spiritual preparation, life purpose discovery, and education. God, through the inspiration and person of the Holy Spirit, has said that one of the qualifications for ministry is that a man “ruleth well his own house (2 Tim. 3:4-5).” God considers the home to be a very important place in His redemptive plan for mankind! Today, let’s take some time to think about the Home—the Family. And may You, Heavenly Father, anoint us to hear your Truth—to have ears to hear and eyes to see your plan. Amen.

In the New Testament we see entire families coming to salvation in Jesus Christ (Acts 16:15&33,18:8)! I was once in a service where a minister gave the current statistics for his denomination on salvations. He said that they had many programs which were winning women and children to Christ, but for every 100 men they won to Christ, they won 98 or 99 families. Fathers, I believe you have an important role to play in the family. If you take your role as the leader of your home seriously, YOU WILL IMPACT YOUR CHILDREN. Two of the three Scriptures mentioned in this paragraph referred to men being saved and their entire household following them. Forget the statistics I mentioned, but look at the principle: men do have an eternal impact on their families.

Mothers, wives, Scripture describes you in a beautiful way. I won’t go into all the verses here, but here are some traits of a godly woman/wife: loving, respectful, wise, faithful to her husband, a role model of godliness, a model of purity, a model of inner beauty instead of outward vanity, a possessor of a gentle and quiet spirit, a manager of the home, one who speaks with wisdom, and a demonstrator of prudence. Wives, Mothers, your role is important too! You aren’t called to be the leaders of your homes, but you are called to be all the things mentioned above and more. Peter instructs Christian women married to unbelieving husbands to set an example for their husband that their husbands may be won over to the faith (1 Peter 3:1-6). We need you godly wives and mothers! Our world is crying out for you in these Last Days! Please take your character seriously, live the Word, model purity and godliness.

 The Family also is God’s agent for populating the earth through the union of a man and a woman in marriage. As children are born, parents naturally discover that their children will mature and grow and that they must instruct and prepare their children for life out in this world, and most importantly, for eternal life with Christ in this life and the next. Fathers and Mothers, your role of training of a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6) is another important and necessary aspect of God’s plan. In the Fear of God may you labor, to the best of your ability, for the sake of your children.

  I’ve read numerous stories of great men and women of God and one of the most recurring themes is the fact that they had godly fathers and mothers who modeled God’s design, took their roles seriously, and prepared their children for the Way God had ordained for them to Go.

  Husband, rule your house well, sacrificially as Christ did. Protect, be Faithful, model Christ, be a Leader, Provide for your family’s needs (1 Tim 5:8), and Sacrificially Love as Christ loved us all, His Church, His Bride.

All authority flows from above, therefore Remember Christ’s example.

Five closing Thoughts on the function of the Home:

The Home is…

1. A depiction of Christ and His Church through the love, union, passion, and united labor of a husband and wife. As well as, a depiction of how Believers are to relate to the Family of God.

2. The means through which children are born & raised/trained in the Fear of God & prepared and released into their life callings.

3. A place to learn, grown, share close unity, resolve conflict, & help others.

4. A productivity center.

5. A place where Fathers are leaders, Mothers are teachers, and Children obey in the Lord.

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