The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thought 316: Remember me (a poem) from Ryan's devotional book series Thougths

Thought 316

Remember me (a poem)


…remember me

Remember my brief life, my laugh, my smile.

Remember all I did while I was with you . . . which was but for a while.

Now I have no fun, in this afterlife.

I cry, I weep, I wail . . . I am lonely . . .


I see God, I see His servants rejoicing and feasting, but

I…I have chosen… of the other many paths.


O dear friends all I did was in vain.

I left the Lord in High School, I went my own way.


While I lived I had the life! –

A Harley…girls…money…fun, regardless of the situation….

...but none of that matters now.


The drugs, the sex, the craziness bought me only this:

A one way ticket to Hell!


If Christians really want others to come to heaven with them,

Then why didn’t they try harder to win me to their side?

Those Christians have it


O dear readers, REMEMBER ME.

Don’t come to this place; choose the better way before it is too late!

Forgive and forget, obey and proceed, fight the good fight and finish the race that

Is set before you…

…You still have time, you are still alive…

…don’t make the wrong choice like me…

…don’t follow your heart, rather do whatever it is that God wants you to do,

Because it will pay off…you won’t be HERE.


Repent and Believe!
Accept the SAVIOR.


The Podcast

The Podcast
Find it on Itunes by searching Ryan Marks