The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Monday, February 11, 2013

Thought 317: TV from Ryan's devotional book series Thoughts

Thought 317


  I looked to TV for comfort; it was my drug, my addiction. I could relax and forget about my troubles and problems. I zoned everything out and essentially feed lustful thoughts, wrong choices, lies, etc... and all with the “little, harmless” television screen. What a joke! I got ‘high’ by certain scenes or TV shows. The same thing has happened with video games. I knew it was wrong, God convicted me.  Through the television I was being encouraged to live the wrong life—just by what I ‘set before my eyes.’ Before I could achieve total freedom, I had to “wean” myself to get off “the drug.”

 What about you? Are you using something as a drug that’s not a physical ‘drug’? The empowerment of the Holy Spirit is the only way that you will truly conquer it, because without Him you are just using your own weak “strength” and that stuff doesn’t go very far.


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