The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Friday, January 9, 2015

All Humananity is Equally Human

    God created all men and women from the same one man and one woman. God has continued to create new lives as the result of the sexual union of men and women. But all these men and women are descendants of one man and one woman, who were Adam and Eve. Their children have a wide range of ethnicities, cultural practices, skin colors and interests, but they are all made from the same God. Jesus demonstrates that it doesn’t matter what ethnicity you are, because he spoke to the Samaritan woman, and His apostles were sent to the gentiles.
     The story of the prodigal son and the good Samaritan proclaim that it doesn’t matter what you have done or what you have gone through, Christ still loves you and wants you to know Him.
      In all we are all ‘one blood’, not only because of the creation of Adam and Eve, which God initiated, but also the fact that in Christ all the true believers are one. There are language barriers, skin differences, economic differences, and certainly personality differences in God’s wondrous creation of mankind, yet each one is related to each other through the omnipotent plan of the creator of Adam and Eve and the Father of Christ.

The Podcast

The Podcast
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