These things command and teach.
Let no man despise thy youth;
but be thou an example of the
in word, in conversation, in
charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:11-12 (KJV)
In Faith
have long been known for their faith: the faith of the martyrs of the Early
Church, the faith of the Protestant’s during the Inquisition, the faith of the
Pilgrims, the faith of the Amish, the faith of America’s Founding Fathers—they
were all known for what they placed their faith in.
Be an example of the Faith for other
believers, young man. Live in such a way that you won’t be looked down on for
being a young man following Christ.
Scripture says that “whatever is not of
faith is sin.” May you have faith!
Live the faith! Don’t let your lack of
faith discredit you!
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