Thought 153
Trusting God in Finances
This topic is one that many Christians struggle in. But if we can believe Christ has forgiven us, then I ask, “why do we not have faith that God will take care of our needs?”
Examine your heart before you start:
Do you ‘love’ money for what it buys you or do you look gratefully to God and thank Him for what He has given you?
(If you are angry or feel convicted when you read the question above, get quiet before the Lord and ask Him why you feel that way.)
For "the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it" 1 Corinthians 10:26 NIV1984
This verse (1 Cor. 10:26) gives us a powerful principle: money exists in the world; therefore it is ALL God’s and He gives it to whom He chooses. The Scriptures are clear that if you give, you will receive back (Luke 6:38). That fact principle is applied by many of the world’s ranks and they are being blessed for it. Why do you think that humanitarian efforts are succeeding? Because they have the blessing of God? Because they are giving? Multitudes are feed, clothed, and given drink by people who give selflessly, but that isn’t the amazing part. The astounding aspect is that many of those who give so greatly do not have Christ in their lives. They are modeling an aspect of life that we Christians should be living. This principle of blessing is not just monetary, but I think we sure grasp the concept when it’s in dollar terminology.
Are you stingy in giving?
My friends, Christ gave His very life. . . . Really think about that . . . .
Are you investing in things that aren’t a necessity like cable, the internet, cell phones, ect…? Do you pay your cable bill before you tithe and then say that you can’t afford to pay a Tithe because you’ve spent it on temporary entertainment? Maybe you don’t need an increased paycheck, rather a decrease in “comfort” spending. Please do not misunderstand me, the internet, cell phones, and ‘toys’ are fun, but sometimes, they are a hindrance because they are a addiction that we use as an excuse to not give.