Thought 175
What type of books should I read?
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8 (NIV1984)
Books should be viewed carefully. What we dwell on becomes part of us. Therefore the focus of our mind, if it is centered on the wrong stuff, will have a negative effect on our lives.
My 10th Grade English video teacher, Mrs. Thompson, told us that the books we read will determine what we are. So true. For those who have read tons of horrible literature there is hope!—there is a way not to become like the worst book you have ever read: it is by renewing your mind in God’s Holy Word (THE BIBLE), because the Word of God will never lead us astray, we ourselves do that when we give into temptation (James 1:14).
Many men died so that we could have the Bible. As a matter of fact, it was the Bible, the first book printed on Gutenberg’s press that brought us out of the Dark Ages. That book was spread by smuggling into many nations and when someone had that book they experienced personal revival. Why fill your mind with impure things when you can read something praiseworthy, excellent, noble, pure, right and true? Remember, we do become what we read. If you don’t believe that, I challenge you to study what the American people believe because of what they read for 12+ years of education.