The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Daily Devotion from Ryan Marks book Thoughts

Thought 91

Little One

(I wrote this during my mothers’ pregnancy with my little sister Erin)

  Little one inside the womb, I pray for you. God loves you. Although you enter this world with sin, I will do my best to show you Jesus whose love you should accept. My God, my God, protect this little one; O God, I thank you for this child’s life. Lord, I will take my position of authority in this sibling’s life and the influence I will give all the days of this little one’s life to You. Lord, protect my sibling.

  I know not your gender, but I surrender you to God. ONLY GOD GIVES LIFE AND ONLY HE TAKES IT. This wisdom I give you from my small stores: the safest place that you can be, little one, is in the center of God’s will: being in tune with Him through the Spirit. I will teach you the best I can in the few years I have with you at home and I pray that you will enjoy some of things I do.

P.S. If you have blue eyes I’ll be proud.

Answer to Postscript: My sister Erin’s eyes are blue.

 My Story Behind the Previous Letter:

          When I was growing up I had one little sister, but I wanted a little brother too. On my tenth birthday I prayed that God would give me a little brother. And guess what? By my next birthday I had a little brother. My parents were surprised, because it had been eight years since my sister was born! A year or two after my brother’s birth I began praying to have another little sister. I thought that my brother needed a little sister like I had and I would enjoy another sibling, right? So I prayed again and this time it took a while. My mom became pregnant and the baby passed away in a miscarriage. A second time my mom became pregnant and as she was going through another miscarriage I was trying to have faith. I wanted to believe that child into existence, that everything would be ok and all the signs of death were just mistakes. But I did not get what I prayed for. My mom lost that baby as well. I was broken and for a while a little lost, but God brought me closer to Himself in the end.

           By now, five years had passed since my mom had my little brother who I prayed for on my birthday; and my mom became pregnant a third time and had my little sister Erin. She is healthy, there were no problems. God answered my prayer! I have learned something over those hard years: that God answers us, but not always in the way we want or in our timing. Since then, I have prayed for twin brothers and my mom is not very happy with me. She knows that I have prayed twice for siblings and eventually did “get” another brother and sister. I think she has a little fear that my prayer might come true, and I’m pretty sure that her fear is far from what they label Holy Fear. J  Anyway, what prayers has God answered for you? Did you have to wait and were you given exactly what you asked for?

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