The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Daily Devotion from Ryan Marks book Thoughts

Thought 97

For the Timothy’s (the Youths of the Way)

  Be on your knees, not stuck in your personal opinion

          We have opinions on everything from who should be president to what kind of food should be eaten by ourselves and by others. Young adults, “teens,” we need to reverse the mindset of our selfish opinions. Yes, I know it will be hard because I am very opinionated in flesh, but did you ever think that maybe God needs to break our opinionated lifestyle so that we can be more filled with Him? Will we put the meaningless issues like what flavor of gum we should eat behind us and strain toward what really matters: a relationship with Christ and unified fellowship with other believers? Or as Paul says, will we preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor. 2:2)?

           We need to voice God’s Truth and be careful about voicing our fleshly opinions. This will not be easy because if we are shackled by a stronghold of opinionated mindsets.

            You might be dead set against a particular somebody running for president (like me), but instead of bad mouthing that person, why not be a model of Jesus and go to your knees instead of harshly proclaiming your opinion? Amen!

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