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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Daily Devotion from Ryan Marks book Thoughts

Thought 93

H1N1: The “Swine” Flu

          Not long after the “swine” flu ‘came out’ I became sick. I was afraid that this was it, I am going to die. Anyway, I felt lead to look up strength in the concordance of my Bible and when I did I found a verse (I think that it was in Psalms) that said that God was my strength; right then and there I made the decision to trust that God would carry me through this. I stopped worrying about possibly having the “swine” flue and simply trusted that God would take care of me. And here I am, He was not finished with me yet! The dreams and passions that He had just placed in my heart had not come to fulfillment at that time, and deep down I just knew that He wasn’t finished with me. I cannot describe it, but there are times in life that you just know that you know that you know that something is true and at those times a stillness, a peace from the Almighty comes.

Trust in God Triumphs!

          Do you need to trust that God? This does not mean naming something you want and claiming it; rather, trust is a firm belief and humble spirit which asks God to have His will accomplished in a matter. We learn His will as we know Him more and more—we know that He desires to bless us like a Father his children; but we also learn that we go through trying times as discipline, and that we will grow from those times.

          In short, our prayers will always be answered, whether sooner or later; either as we wanted or the exact opposite; but God’s will is supreme and we recognize it—that is trusting in God. When our prayers are not answered how we want them to be we need to brush ourselves off and move on: a simple principle, but if we apply it a big change will come.

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