Thought 109
(Based Genesis 1-2)
God created the entire universe. The world that Adam and Eve lived in was perfect. The earth contained ground that was not cursed; there were no weeds or parasitic plants. On top of that, Adam was assigned to be a gardener by God (Gen. 2:15). The Garden easily provided for him: huge plants, beautiful sunsets, bountiful harvests, peaceful animals, and a perfect climate were present—it was refreshing spiritually and physically in the Garden of Eden. In that garden one could just stand in awe of the awesomeness of God.
Lush, gentle, rolling hills spanned the landscape. Beautiful forests with perfect trees grew in the oxygen-rich air. Every animal and its offspring were destined to live forever because death did not yet exist (Rom. 8:18-21). Animals lived in complete harmony with other animals and humans (Gen. 2:19-20). Plants didn’t die either, so they would continue to grow and produce food for the ages to come. Pain did not exist, nor sickness. Truly God proclaimed this blessing!–no cancer! No common cold! No flu! No viruses! No infection! No mourning! No death! No destruction! No mental disorder! No poverty! And no sin!! It was perfect! What is all this a picture of? Perhaps, it is a picture of our eternal, glorious home with Jesus Christ—Heaven.
God is so good, it is mankind’s fault that we don’t live in that same splendor today. We did wrong, we disobeyed, we sinned! And for violating His one command (Gen. 2:16-17), God had to initiate justice by punishing us (Rom. 9:14, Gen. 3:17b-19) for what we did. Instead of concentrating on the disobedience and punishment that occurred in Eden, today, let’s thank God for what He created and the beauty we still enjoy—despite the fact that we are living in a fallen world. And let’s thank Him for redeeming us through His Son, Jesus.
Read Genesis 1 and 2.
Cool Facts about Creation:
V Rain did not exist! The Bible says that a “mist” covered the ground at night and that water came forth from the ground (Gen. 2:6)!
V Animals and mankind ate only plants (Gen. 1:29-30, Isaiah 65:25)!!
V There was no physical death (Rom. 8:18-21, Rom. 5:12-14)!!!