Thought 96
The Birth of an Idea
Have you ever had crazy ideas that are centered on God? How can they be ‘crazy’ when they are centered on God? Is it because you aren’t that type of person? Does it seem impossible? WELL I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU: “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (Matthew 19:26 NIV). Nothing is impossible with God! That’s easy to say that, right? But do you really believe it? And more importantly, do you believe it enough to live it?
I have had some crazy ideas pop into my head sometimes, like founding a Christian cell phone company, starting a youth-centered program, starting a blog, teaching a class, and leading a teen romance seminar (based on the Bible). I have not done every crazy idea that pops into my head, because some are just that, plain crazy and pointless; but, I have learned that if I keep my mind and heart open to God, He will direct me to which of those crazy ideas I should attempt, that is, which ones that He has implanted in my mind. I do not always put my ideas into motion right away. More often, I file it away and don’t even look at till months later during a season of review and remembrance.
For example, I had the idea about starting Devo Blast, a devotional email, for about a year before I actually did it. In process of musing over whether to or not to run with a new idea, I have had to say things to myself like, “ok, when the time is right, I’ll do it, but I just don’t have the peace about it right now and I am going to let God’s peace be my umpire. However, I do believe that God is going to bless it when the time comes.”
I have struggled with wanting to put into motion a plan to teach young men about Biblical manhood for a long time; and I didn’t get the opportunity that I desired. Until one day after co-teaching a class at a homeschool group—I was asked if there was anything that I wanted to teach on for the next upcoming school year. Well, I was kind of interested in teaching a Bible class, but I did not get the “thumbs up” from my mom, so I put the question behind me and just left it in the hands of God. If it was His will, He would make a way. Later on my mom asked me if I wanted to teach something at the homeschool group. After thinking for a little while (like five minutes), I said that I wanted to teach a class on Biblical manhood. In short, the idea was approved. Right now (February 2010), I am teaching that class. Six young men have been learning about Biblical manhood for three sessions now, and the Holy Spirit has come in a unique way. I have done hardly any preparation other than writing the curriculum and yet God makes our one hour sessions to seem so long and become so fruitful. It’s like He is in the room directing us, praise God! There might not be a ton of people in the class, and my speech might not be flawless, but God is working in them and in me; and more importantly He opened the door to me so that I could accomplish the crazy idea that He had given me. Will you take a risk on your God-centered, God-given idea if God opens the door?
The principle we are delving into today does not have to be applied on a huge level. As I was editing this, another idea popped into my mind, and I am trusting that that idea is from the Holy Spirit and someone reading needs it. Look over this list that I put together at the beginning of 2010 as the year’s vision for a ministry I was in; you might say that this was my “heartbeat for God” that year. As you read allow the Holy Spirit to show you how your simple ideas (and desires) can come to pass when you follow Him. Also, please note that my comments to whether or not those goals were accomplished are in BOLD.
2010 Plan for Royal Rangers at Outpost 108
-Adventure & Expedition Groups-
(my personal goals/aspirations for our group)
#1 To spiritually prepare my peers for the life they will soon live on their own (the devotions God led me to share have impacted young men, but the preparation for their future life will depend on their application of God’s Word.)
#2 To assist other Rangers’ in choosing GREEN or SILVER merits of interest to do on their own. (It happened.)
#3 To teach every Gold merit that I can to help them toward their Gold Medal of Achievement. [I was able to teach quite a few of the harder merits (gold) that year, the amount of merits that my Rangers groups earned was phenomenal, God certainly had a hand in it!]
#4 Maybe start a Bible study outside of Royal Rangers with the same group? (I did end up starting a Bible study, in June of 2010 when God gave me the “thumbs up,” and, yes, some of the young men from Royal Rangers have attended, but God primarily brought along a different group.)
#5 To develop leaders for the future and present (The young men have grown spiritually. One is less fearful of public speaking; another feels called into the ministry, and as a result, is becoming much bolder and trusting in God; and others have been touched in ways that I not even heard about.)
#6 To try to work with some Youth guys to be part of our Royal Rangers activities/Sunday school class (This became evident during the last part of the year when I began planning [with the Student Ministries Pastor] a hike that would include both Rangers and the “Youth” guys at my church; however, none of the Rangers showed up for the hike.)
#7 That devotions (Wednesdays/campouts) equip individuals in real life (As much as it was up to me, yes.)
#8 Have others give me info. what would they like to learn through our devotions and what merits kind(s) would they be interested in? (This one was accomplished, but on a much smaller scale than I was hoping for.)
#9 Make class interesting and fun! [Get feedback] (Check.)
#10 Incorporate others skills (i.e. writing, computer skills, planning, and craftsmanship) into our personal class’s ministry. (This did not really take place, although I did discuss and preach about developing it.)
#11 Personally train a assistant(s) to lead merits. (Yes, others have been prepared.)
I have included this personal goal list to encourage you. Sometimes my goals and God-given passion(s) succeeded and other times they did not. But I still learned from trying all of them. Not everything I or you attempt will be an instant success; but even if we fall flat on our faces, we will have gained the experience and we can share that with others one day. By sharing our failures and successes, we can help others, as Kevin Swanson says, “to stand on our shoulders and go on to even greater things for the glory of God.” I believe that the young men that I am investing my time in now, will surpass me in many other areas of life later on down the road. Yes, I have the privilege of teaching the Word to those who may be future pilots, businessmen, lawyers, or doctors. I will not go down half of the paths that they will; but maybe, just maybe, they will be able to take a step on top of my shoulders as I teach and serve them now, that they may follow God in ways that I never can. For example, the people that one of these young men could reach as a businessman, I can never reach in ministry or writing. We all have a place and I do not want to be jealous or envious of them as those I have invested in go on do greater things than I have; instead, I want to cheer them on and say, “Good job, man of God!”
Remember to commit your goals to God.