The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:

The Most Important Question You'll ever be Asked:


Monday, July 23, 2012

Daily Devotion from Ryan Marks book Thoughts

Thought 113

What is Purpose?

       Purpose is to have a meaning, to live for a reason. Without a sense of purpose we feel miserable. I felt this way, like I was without a purpose; but when I sought God for guidance on what He wanted me to do I found joy, contentment, and direction. I do not always have a crystal clear understanding of what I am supposed to do, and when I get off track I feel pressured and troubled inside. I don’t know exactly how God speaks to everyone, but I can assure you that He does SPEAK today and in those times of discouragement, you can run to the Lord and His wonderful Word and find meaning. As you seek the Lord, He may speak to you. I have never heard God audibly, but God can speak that way or He may just speak to your heart as a still small voice. The point is: will you seek the Lord for your purpose?

     I know that my current purpose is to make a difference in other people’s lives. It is to share the Word, fellowship with believers and speak the Truth. What is your purpose? You might not know and that’s ok, nothing is wrong with you. However, I do challenge you to seek God, His Word, and your gifting/talents for an answer to what your purpose is, and how you are to glorify God.

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